Feeling the Heat in Mallorca

The Boss and I have taken to living like vampires. The doors and shutters (persianas) of our finca in rural Mallorca are closed most of the day and windows are firmly shut against the searing summer heat. We stay out of the bright sunlight and keep cool with our air conditioning. We’re so pleased we have a solar-powered electricity system: we don’t have alarming summer electricity bills to pay so can be liberal with air conditioning – until the sun disappears from the solar panels.

Mallorca – like other parts of northern Europe – had a heatwave in June. To be honest, I haven’t noticed that it’s ended yet. We have regularly registered temperatures in the upper 30s, in the shade on our terrace, and last night’s low, for instance, was 24 degrees Celsius.

On Monday morning I had to go to Palma and emerged from the railway station to feel fat drops of rain plopping onto my head. Sadly, this was not the start of a good refreshing shower, but what’s called cuatro gotas – four drops – which afforded little relief from the clammy heat.

But that night rain did fall. In the form of mud. This was our black car the next morning…

Looks like snow, but it’s mud.

Specific outings aside (and they’re usually in the evenings at this time of year), we have only daytime dashes outside to feed the cats (morning and early evening), take out the washing (which dries to a crisp in, oh, about ten minutes), or put the rubbish in the dustbin.

We save our time outdoors for the early mornings and the evenings (when, ironically, the heat of the sun may be replaced by the heat of The Boss’s Weber BBQ). These are the times when we are likely to see our cats, who hide away during the daytime. They each have their own way of keeping cool and two, in particular, amuse us. Nibbles likes to cool his nether regions by draping himself over the balustrade. Shorty – our gorgeous ginger – favours a cooling tummy dip in one of our several birdbaths (which also serve as drinking stations for our feline family).

Whatever it takes, find your own way to stay cool this summer. Early-morning swim at Portocristo? Don’t mind if we do…

FOOTNOTE: I wrote this post on July 13th and I’m pleased to say the humidity has eased off and temperatures are a little more comfortable.

Jan Edwards ©2019

8 thoughts on “Feeling the Heat in Mallorca

  1. Love reading your latest (each time there is a new one I can say that quite honestly). And as much as I do miss Mallorca, I guess after reading this that I don’t miss the crazy temperature swings, and the quirky rain choices. Having said that, when I read your words each time up do an update, I do flash back to such good times on your island. Never stop writing please..

    • Hi Carole and Steve,

      Seems a tad ironic often to have moved here for the weather and then to find that sometimes it’s too hot (for us anyway) to go out during the day.

      I hope you’re keeping cool too. Evenings are lovely….x

      • Yes when we first moved, Brits we met who said they went back to UK in July and August as too hot, we thought were mad !! I get it although still prefer your vampire mode to Blighty!! x

  2. Me too – especially with the spectre of Boris looming. Once had to judge the Miss Henley competition with him. That was quite enough of Boris, thank you.


  3. Your report confirms my decision to stay in Sweden during the summer months. We have so far had a normal summer with alternating sun and rain as should be. The first harvest of hay on my land was a record one in contrast to last summer which was dry and hot. However. I look forward to return to Mallorca in October to continue my eternal spring and summer!

  4. I think you’ve made a wise decision, Anders! It seems very hot to us this summer. Yesterday was 36 degs here and only down to 24C in the night – not comfortable for sleeping! It sounds as though the weather in Sweden has been good for your harvest (and for you). Here, the grape harvesting is about to begin…this year is flying by and you’ll soon be here. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

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